Carl Bruchhäuser

It’s CARL BRUCHHÄUSER’s birthday!

We wish you a fantastic birthday, Carl! May this year bring forth many exciting projects for you; opportunities in which you can show off your wonderful acting skills and let your creativity shine bright. © Hannes Caspar

Serious fun fact:
Seven years ago, Carl founded a secret detective agency with his daughter, which since then has solved numerous tricky and sometimes very action-packed cases. Without batting an eyelid, he has slipped into roles such as the cunning super villain, the ingeniously crazy inventor, the fearless investigator and saviour in times of need … and, if the case demanded it, also into the role of the eccentric aunt. Taking all this into account makes it hardly surprising that studying criminology ultimately gave way to studying acting.

So if you have an exciting criminal case to tell that requires Carl’s secret expertise, send us a discreet enquiry!

Just follow the link below and check out Carl’s fabulous work: