Felix Phönix Lehmann

FELIX PHÖNIX LEHMANN * cinema premiere: The Academy!

THE ACADEMY by Camilla Guttner celebrates its German cinema premiere on Thursday evening at 8 pm! Christine Frenzl / Weltkino Filmverleih

Written & directed by Camilla Guttner
Cast: Maja Bons, Luisa Aschenbrenner, Jean-Marc Barr, Andreas Lust … and of course, Felix Phönix Lehmann (among others)
Cast: Anja Dihrberg-Siebler
Production: Zhivago Film, Supercine, Penned Pictures & Standing Ovations Production
Distributed by: Weltkino Filmverleih


Click here for the premiere event at the Rio Filmpalast in Munich: https://riopalast.de/de/programm-tickets?showName=AKADEMIE

Watch the official trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXWrGnLdt2Q

Go to the film website with all information: https://www.dieakademie-film.de/


… and last but not least to Felix’s profile: https://www.agentur-kerstin.de/schauspieler/felix-phoenix-lehmann/