Julia Zupanc

Happy, happy Birthday, dear JULIA ZUPANC!

Our wonderful actress, Julia, is celebrating her birthday today! We wish you a fabulous day; may your new year bring you lots of interesting and diverse roles, as well as plenty of opportunities to express your creative gift. © Nicola Fegg

And here Julia shares a few more insights with us and allows us a little sneak peak into her birthday wishes:

“My favourite film of the year is “Love lies bleeding”. It combines everything I love about films and series: an exciting story, strong and multi-layered female characters and a great aesthetic.
I would really love to play a role in a film set in the 80s. The music and style of that time always moves and inspires me anew.”

We can totally imagine you in an 80s movie role and are keeping our fingers crossed.

So glad to be walking this journey with you. Cheers to a fantastic year!

Hop on over to Julia’s profile and check out her work:
