*** Favourite Seconds: Carl Bruchhäuser – Geburtstagsreel ***
Feb 12, 2025

Happy birthday * CARL BRUCHHÄUSER!
A few 'favourite seconds' for you today from a successful ecasting that once again surprised us with a new side of you! ;-)

DO, 20.02. at 15:30 / Fr, 21.02. at 21:15
Role: Barsøe
Director: Dustin Loose, Kaspar Munk (for Mille)
Casting: Alexandra Montag, Anna Slater & Djamila Hansen (for Mille)
Go to event: https://www.berlinale.de/de/2025/programm/202507058.html
Sat, 15.02. at 17:45 / Sun, 16.02. at 16:30 / Mon, 17.02. at 18:00 / Sun, 23.02. at 17:30
Role: Dr Wolke
Director: Elmar Imanov
Production: Color of May
Go to event: https://www.berlinale.de/de/2025/programm/202500389.html
80 years ago today, the Auschwitz concentration camp, where more than 1.1 million people were murdered by the Nazis, was liberated by the Red Army. The film adaptation of the theatre play DIE ERMITTLUNG by Peter Weiss, directed by RP Kahl, is an important reminder of Auschwitz — now more than ever.
The series DIE ERMITTLUNG in 11 episodes can be found in the ARD Mediathek from 27 January:
The film DIE ERMITTLUNG can be seen on ARTE on 27 January at 9.45 pm.
We are grateful that Christian Kaiser was able to be a part of this moving and extremely valuable project!
#Ausschwitz #memory #remembrance #80years #liberation #remember #neverforget #theinvestigation #ardmediathek
#filmmundmischwaren #rpkahl #mscasting #alexandervanduelmen #ffa #medienboard #bayerischerrundfunk #br # wdr #arte #leonine
Film still “PAPAGEI” © Dan Floresco
On 14 February, her short film ‘Papagei’ will be shown as part of the Berlin Independent Film Festival at the Moviemento cinema (from 6 pm).
She not only wrote the screenplay, but also plays the lead role.
21.01. | 17:30 | CineStar 3
22.01. | 18:30 | CineStar 4
23.01. | 16:15 | CineStar 4
24.01. | 21:00 | Filmhaus
Many thanks to the Filmfestival Max Ophüls Preis and the whole team!
Follow link to see event: https://ffmop.de/film_detail/movie-6760cd7442147
Lennart Hahn,
Carsten Hentrich
Markus Kloster
Linus Scherz
Written, directed, produced by Dean Fischer
1AD: Maximilian Nita, Alice Hiepko
Camera: Raphael Heinisch
1AC: Sören Tebbe
Head lighting technician: Paul Herhoff
Lighting: Ioanna Langowski, Robin Bültel
Original sound: Franz Leyer, Sarah Weiher
Sound engineer: Konrad Woznitzka
Sound design: Franz Leyer
Mixing: Franz Leyer, Henning Großmann
Editing: Raphael Heinisch, Dean Fischer
Colour correction: Sören Denecke, Robin Bültel
Title design: Janneke Sander, Romy Scheifel
Poster design: Nihal Türkyilmaz
Production assistance: Laura Baalmann
A production of the FH Dortmund
Scheduled next are rehearsals for the motion capturing of the female roles in the animated short “CAT CONTENT” directed by Andreas Dahn, filming in March 2025 in Helsinki.
Heartfelt Thank You to everybody from Birgit for the creative collaboration in both projects!
*** WATCH VIDEO: #FavouriteSeconds of Stephanie Lexer! ***
© ZDF Mediathek
Heartfelt thanks to Dominik Klingberg for casting Sabine and to the entire Network Movie and ZDF for the production!
Click here to watch the episode in the ZDF media library:
… and here to go to Sabine’s profile 🙂 :
Watch showreel: https://www.filmmakers.eu/de/actors/kalle-perlmutter/video/13285