Author Archives: Carl Admin Bruchhäuser

Peter Gröning

Grattis på födelsedagen, PETER GRÖNING!

We wish you a blessed new year with lots of luck and love for your adventurous path! May your extraordinary talent be seen in the whole of Europe! © Håkan Larsson

Peter Gröning is a player in a class of his own, because rarely do we see acting at such a high level: he plays his roles in a minimalist yet emotionally expressive manner, from warm-hearted to hair-raisingly abysmal, sometimes motionless, sometimes with full physical commitment.

But what really amazes you is that he is a trained ballet dancer, opera singer and even a mind reader … Rumour has it that he speaks German pretty well and can also be found in Berlin or Cologne 😉

If you fancy a bit of variety and the most gripping Swedish cinema, then have a look at Peter’s English subtitled showreel:

Happy birthday, dear Peter! We’re proud and happy to represent you!

KALLE, AMELIE and DENIS * preparing to shoot!

Now we're flowing! And what could be better for an agent than to send three of the wonderful talents to the shoot! © Paul Steuber / Lenja Kempf / Urban Ruths

We are very pleased to announce that Kalle Perlmutter, Amelie Barth and Denis Wiencke are currently in preparation for three very different and equally exciting filming projects.

We can’t reveal any more yet, but news about the individual projects will follow soon.


Dear Amelie, Denis and Kalle: We wish you lots of fun preparing for your roles and are sure that you will bring them to life fantastically!


Are you curious? Then browse through their profiles, where you’ll find a wonderful selection of photos, information and showreel scenes:

© Lenja Kempf 2022

© Urban Ruths 2022

© Paul Steuber 2022

Antonia Bergman

Today’s birthday girl: ANTONIA BERGMAN!

We wish you all the very best for your new year, dear Antonia, are proud to represent you and are absolutely convinced that your brightness will attract the most beautiful roles! ©Jeanne Degraa

Antonia is a person of magical contrasts:

When she shines, she shines with every fibre of her being, so that she illuminates even the surrounding space … but when she becomes still, focused, one can dive through her eyes into a deep world full of mysteries. Inside and outside in full connection – that’s the kind of power a role could only wish for if it were to choose its player!

Happy birthday and here’s to a wonderful new year!

Have a look at Antonia’s profile and enjoy being captivated by her bright appearance and her storytelling eyes: