Tomorrow, 20th of December at 8pm, FABIAN GUGGISBERG has his premier with Loriot Abend: “Spielen Sie doch einfach was da steht” at Wallgraben Theater in Freiburg.
Dec 19, 2017

Tomorrow, 20th of December at 8pm, FABIAN GUGGISBERG has his premier with Loriot Abend: “Spielen Sie doch einfach was da steht” at Wallgraben Theater in Freiburg.
Thank you so much for this gorgeous year, it was a pleasure to work with you!
We´re back at the office at the 8th of January.
“MairiM”, with our gorgeous BIRGIT STAUBER, has its premiere on Thursday, December 21st at 6pm at Bundesplatzkino, Berlin!
Until 14. of March, you can see “Der Kommissar und das Meer – Tage der Angst”,
at the ZDF Mediathek.
With INGER NILSSON in the main cast!
Director: Thomas Roth
Network Movie Produktion
BIRGIT STAUBER is playing Melanie Krakauer in the big final of the current season of “Trakehnerblut – Das Vermächtnis“ (feature-length).
The Austrian TV-series can at present be seen on Servus TV, Thursday, 14th of December at 8:15 pm, but will also be shown on German TV soon.
more to come…😏
We are very excited.
Thanks to:
Casting Director Nicole Schmied
Regie: Christopher Schier
Produktion: SamFilm GmbH
I´m so happy to represent MARIE-PAULINA SCHENDEL!
Marie is making her exams (Artist Diploma) at the Folkwang – Universität der Künste in 2018.
Welcome, dear Marie!!
© Stefan Klüter 2017
© Stefan Klüter 2017
PETER PILEGAARD in the ZDF Fernsehfilm der Woche (TV-movie of the week):
“Unter anderen Umständen – Liebesrausch”
On Monday, the 4th of November at 8:15 pm!
Tonight at 8 pm CAROLIN KARNUTH presents her album “Herzchaos” in an interview at the Radio Jade in Wilhelmshaven!
So switch the radio on!
Congrats, dear BIRGIT STAUBER, for a booking for the ORF dramedy series
WALKING ON SUNSHINE, produced by Dor Film.
Director: Andreas Kopriva
Casting director: Nicole Schmied
A must see:
This beautiful music video Micatone – “Shell Song” with
directed by Saito Hawkins