Author Archives: Kerstin Neuhaus

Birgit Stauber


Birgit Stauber is filming for the Austrian TV-series “TRAKEHNERBLUT”
(working title).
She will be playing in the role of “Melanie Krakauer”.
The shooting will take place in Vienna during July and August.

Congrats, dear Birgit!!!

Casting: Nicole Schmied
Director: Christopher Schier
Production: SamFilm GmbH
Channel: Servus TV (at)

Inger Nilsson

Fridolf Rhudin award 2017

“The Fridolf Rhudin price 2017 goes to Inger Nilsson. With her versatile acting, with seriousness, warmth, humor and finesse she has brought her characters to life. E.g. Pippi Longstocking, who has charmed children and grown-ups for generations.“ This has been postet on Facebook by “Fridolf Rhudin museets vänner” (Friends of F.R. Museum)

Congrats, Inger! You really deserved it!

Birgit Stauber

Another Day in Paradise

© Still aus "Another Day in Paradise“, 2017

© Still aus “Another Day in Paradise“, 2017

© Still aus "Another Day in Paradise“, 2017

© Still aus “Another Day in Paradise“, 2017

It´s a wrap! Birgit has just finished filming Another Day in Paradise – already the third time that she has played Dr. Jessi Matthews in the English Web Series The Centre (Germany/Namibia).

Stefan Sauk

Welcome, Stefan Sauk!

We are so happy to represent the Swedish actor Stefan Sauk!
We´ve seen Stefan in famous films and series as “Verblendung” (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo / Män som hatar kvinnor), “Wallander”, and “Ein Fall für Annika Bengtzon” .
Just a few weeks ago, we´saw him in the role of Björn Lehmann on arte in the fabulous Swedish series “Tjockare än vatten” (Thicker than water / Blutsbande).

A warm welcome to you, Stefan!