This night at 11.15pm, you can see PHILIPP SOMMER in a clip at “Die Comedy Show” on Pro7!
Have fun!!
Gestüt Hochstetten – Das Vermächtnis
Gestüt Hochstetten – Das Vermächtnis, with BIRGIT STAUBER as Melanie Krakauer will be shown tomorrow, February 10th, 8:15 on ARD.
Artist Diploma
Dark Christ
STEFAN SAUK is playing the role of Albert Johnson in the new film “DARK CHRIST”.
Directed by Klaus Härö
Written by Anna Heinämaa.
Production: Making Movies Oy
Further informations here
First trailer for the feature film “Videomannen” with STEFAN SAUK in the lead role Ennio Midena:
Written and Directed by Kristian A. Söderström
Production: World Of Film AB
Förderpreis für junge Künstler 2018
PHILIPP SOMMER receives the career grant for young artists that is regularly being awarded by the “Gesellschaft der Freunde des Krefelder Theaters e.V.“ together with the Evonik branch office in Krefeld.
This is so great! Congrats, dear Philipp!
Further informations here.
Der Kommissar und das Meer – Der wilde Jack
On Saturday, the 27th of January, you can see Der Kommissar und das Meer – Der Wilde Jack, with INGER NILSSON as Ewa Swensson.
At 8:15 pm on ZDF
Director: Thomas Roth
Network Movie Production
Comedy Stand-Up Show
PHILIPP SOMMER just filmed a part in a Comedy Stand-Up Show for Pro7.
New pictures
There are new pictures from CHRISTIAN KAISER online,
photographed by © Janine Guldener
Winner! “Best Actress in a Drama” at the Actors Awards Los Angeles!
And the winner is:
BIRGIT STAUBER: “Best Actress in a Drama”at the Actors Awards for the role of
“Dr Jessi Matthews” in the web series “Another Day in Paradise”!
Director: Jana Eleanor Brückner
Written and produced by Naomi Beukes
Congrats, dear Birgit!!
It´s really so amazing!!