Author Archives: Kerstin Neuhaus

Carolin Karnuth


“Retreat”, the new comedy scene from and with CAROLIN KARNUTH is online!
Watch, meditate and have fun 😏

Director: Leo Leike / Sarah & Screenplay: Carolin Karnuth
Anna: Nora Backhaus / Bernadette: Liza MK
Camera: Hans Przybilla / Sound: Phil Seifert
Cutter: Hakan Sümer / Music: Eckhard Wiemann u.A.

Sabine Osthoff


We are happy to represent the amazing SABINE OSTHOFF, starting today!

Graduated at „Ernst Busch“ she played e.g. at Wiener Volkstheater, Grillo Theater, Essen or Schauspielhaus Bochum.
On TV she was recently starring as Julia Gassmann in en episode of „Rosenheim Cops“.
She was awards several prizes for her outstanding acting, like the “Förderpreis des Landes NRW für junge Künstlerinnen und Künstler“ (Young talents award of North-Rhine-Westphalia) and the “Aalto-Bühnenpreis für junge Künstler“. (Aalto Stage-Award for young Artists).
Now she works as a freelancer at the theaters of Essen and Bochum and is looking forward to proposals for shooting.

Welcome, dear Sabine! 🌻

© Alan Ovaska 2016

© Alan Ovaska 2016

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© Alan Ovaska 2016

© Alan Ovaska 2016

Mille Maria Dalsgaard

Welcome back, Mille!

MILLE MARIA DALSGAARD is back again after a one-year break in which she successfully founded and directed a new theatre in Copenhagen.
She immediately started shooting for a small, fine role in „Tatort Kiel“, directed by Niki Stein.
Apart from that she played an important supporting role in the VR movie „Kinetografie“, produced by Bombina Bombast, in spring 2018.
This movie could be previewed at the Scandinavian Pavillon in this year’s Cannes-Festival and will be premiered in 2019.

Happy, that you are with us, again. Welcome back, Mille!

© Yann Bean 2015

© Yann Bean 2015

© Yann Bean 2015

© Yann Bean 2015

© Yann Bean 2015

© Yann Bean 2015