Rezo Tschchikwischwili
Year of birth 1957
Place of birth Tbilisi Georgia
Nationality German
Place of residence Essen
Residency options Berlin, Cologne, Hamburg, Munich
Height 180 cm
Hair black/grey
Eyes dark brown
Languages German (fluent), Georgian (MT), Russian (fluent)
Instruments Guitar (acoustic), Piano
Singing Jazz, Chanson
Driver's License Car
March 9, 2025
Happy birthday * REZO TSCHCHIKWISCHWILI!October 28, 2024
A warm welcome to * REZO TSCHCHIKWISCHWILI!Movies / TV
2023-2024 Devil's Paradise, (HR), Vitis Production
2022 Sein letzter Deal, (Essen Shorts Episode), (HR), e.V. Filmkunst und Kinokultur Essen
2017 Ekvtime - Man of God, (HR) Lost legends,
2015 Das letzte Geschenk, (HR), Sascha Vajnstajn Produktion
2000 Wenn Gott hustet, KHM Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
1998 Fünf-Uhr-Schatten, September Film Produktion
2024 The last season, Dimitri (HR), Serie
2023 The last season, Dimitri (HR), Serie
2020 In Treatment, (HR), Nova Productions LTD, Serie
2008 Hand in Hand, Novafilm, ZDF
2005 Tatort - Der doppelte Lott, Colonia Media Filmproduktion, ARD
2004 SOKO Köln, Network Movie Film- und Fernsehproduktion, ZDF [de]
2002 Der gestohlene Mond, Hessischer Rundfunk, HR
Ausführliche Informationen im PDF Download!
1994-2023 diverse
Rollen: über 130, Regie: diverse, Theater: Schauspiel Essen
2012 Rote Erde (Grillo-Theater)
Rolle: Steiger Bärwald (HR) Regie: Harald Spieß, Volker Lösch Westdeutscher Rundfunk [de] Sender: WDR [de] Produzent: WDR
1974 - 1978 Institut für Theater und Kino, Tiflis
Rezo Tschchikwischwili is a Georgian actor, born in Tiflis/Georgia. Rezo began his acting career in 1978 at the Rustavi Drama Theater (city of Rustavi). There he was recognized with his first role in: Behind Shutters is Spring, by contemporary author ( L.Tabukashvili) made him famous overnight.
Rezo continued his film, theater and television career until 1993, winning several awards (including the country's most deserving actor).
As part of a German-Georgian theater project (King Oedipus, Sophocles), he landed his first role at the Schauspielhaus Essen.
It was with this role (King) that the theater's director got to know him.
Rezo was initially engaged for one year, which turned into 29 years at the Grillo Theater in Essen.
During this time, he played 130 theater roles, as well as 90 film and television roles in both Germany and Georgia, before taking his well-deserved retirement in 2023.
This marked the beginning of Rezo's restless retirement, as he continues to be involved in recitals, presenting, film and television in both countries throughout his life.